Happy Green cups - "Green" to the sight and environment!
By purchasing a Happy Green Cup you are doing as much good for the world around you as you the hot drink you fill it with is doing for you!
Each Cup costs £3.75 + P&P (items collected in person is free from p&p)
Benefits of buying the cup
(that mean the cup pays for itself in very little time at all then its discount drinks all the way!)
Size - 500ml drink, 16cm tall. 9cm at its widest
Weight - 52g
Made of - Sturdy, lightweight BPA-free plastic (BPA can have negative health effects). Is recyclable.
Note: Do not put in dishwasher or microwave
Post and packaging
So as not to add to the pollution problem the cups are sent in minimal, earth-friendly, recyclable packaging.
We believe in charging you a fair amount for P&P.
If you purchase one cup it will cost £3.60 P&P
If you purchase 2 to 20 cups it will also cost £3.60
Note - if you live locally ( York) you can pick one up postage free!
Why not buy a few for family and friends?
For full postage rates click here.
All items sent out by Second Class Post which should arrive within 3-4 days.
If you require express delivery please contact us before ordering.
For bulk purchases please contact us
We use PayPal - you can pay with your PayPal Account or by Credit or Debit Card
If you are not happy with your purchases please contact us for details of how to return the items